
Extended Serializer

npm install extended-serializer

  • link to documentation
  • Extends JSON serialization to support almost all data types.
  • Validates all input data to ensure that it is serializable.
  • Doesn't rely on a nonce like other solutions, so no chance of collisions.
  • Never calls toJSON methods.
  • Well tested with 100% coverage.

This is an exhastive list of all possible values in JavaScript, and the applicable transforms to make them serializable.

Type Values Applicable transform Notes
null value null none needed
boolean primitive type true or false none needed
string primitive type e.g. "hello" none needed
number primitive type e.g. 5 none needed except NaN, Infinity, -0
Object instance e.g. {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} none needed except complex Object instances or repeated references
Array instance e.g. [1, 2, 3] none needed except complex Array instances or repeated references
-0 value -0 negativeZeroTransform
NaN value NaN nanTransform
Infinity value Infinity or -Infinity infinityTransform
undefined primitive type undefined undefinedTransform
bigint primitive type e.g. 5n bigIntTransform
complex Object instance e.g. {[Symbol.toStringTag]: "something"} complexObjectTransform an object with symbol keys, or non standard property descriptors
complex Array instance e.g. Object.assign([1, 2, 3], {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}) complexArrayTransform an array with extra or missing properties
repeated and circular references e.g. [value, value] repeatedReferencesTransform NOT FINISHED should be first transform included
global registry symbol primitive type e.g. Symbol.for("something") registrySymbolTransform you may want to omit this transform if encoding and decoding in different environments
well known symbol primitive type e.g. Symbol.iterator wellKnownSymbolTransform
local symbol primitive type e.g. Symbol("something") requires custom transform
function primitive type e.g. () => true requires custom transform
class instance e.g. new CustomClass() requires custom transform
Class Transform Notes
Set setTransform
Map mapTransform
Date dateTransform
RegExp regExpTransform
ArrayBuffer arrayBufferTransform
DataView dataViewTransform
Boolean, Number, String primitiveClassTransform
Error, EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, AggregateError errorClassTransform won't encode not standard properties
Int8Array, Uint8Array, Uint8ClampedArray, Int16Array, Uint16Array, Int32Array, Uint32Array, Float32Array, Float64Array, BigInt64Array, BigUint64Array typedArrayTransform will need arrayBufferTransform
  • Proxies will be flattened, without being flagged by the validator as these can only be detected in node, see example for custom validator to reject proxies in node.
  • When writing custom transforms, to test for custom class instances, use isInstanceOf instead of instanceof to prevent capturing instances of subclasses.
import util from "node:util";
import {
type Serializable,
} from "extended-serializer";

const options = {
validate: value => !util.types.isProxy(value),
transforms: [
customSymbol: makeTransform({
test: (value) => value === customSymbol,
decode: () => customSymbol,
customFunction: makeTransform({
test: (value) => value === customFunction,
decode: () => customFunction,
customClass: makeClassTransform({
constructor: CustomClass,
encode: ({ a, b }) => [a, b],
customClassGroup: makeClassGroupTransform({
key: "customClassGroup",
classes: [IntVector, FloatVector, BooleanVector],
encode: ({ x, y, z }) => [x, y, z],
} satisfies SerializeOptions;

type Primitive = Serializable<typeof options>;

const value = {
a: NaN,
b: Infinity,
c: new Set([1, 2, 3]),
d: customSymbol,
e: customFunction,
f: new CustomClass(1, 2),
} satisfies Primitive;

const str = stringify(value, options);
const clone = parse(encoded, options);

//clone is now a deep clone of value

//or can use clone
const clone = clone(value, options);


  • Can't pick and choose transforms
  • Doesn't fully validate serializable values
  • Unflexible custom transforms


  • Only supports class instances custom transforms
  • Doesn't support NaN, Infinity, -0
  • Doesn't support well known symbols or symbols in global registry
  • Doesn't fully validate serializable values


  • Globally defined transforms
  • Doesn't fully validate serializable values


  • Non JSON output
  • Doesn't support ArrayBuffer or TypedArrays
  • Doesn't support well known symbols or symbols in global registry
  • Doesn't support Error instances
  • Doesn't support complex objects


  • Doesn't fully validate serializable values
  • Doesn't fully restore serialized values (e.g RegExp missing lastIndex)


  • Relies on a nonce to prevent collisions
  • Doesn't support NaN or Infinity
  • Archived


  • Relies on a nonce to prevent collisions
  • Only supports class types, that must be in global scope
  • Doesn't fully validate serializable values


  • Non JSON output
  • Not extendable
  • Doesn't fully validate serializable values (by design, e.g. attempts to serialize functions with toString)


  • Creates a JS script requiring dangerous eval


  • Creates a JS script requiring dangerous eval
  • Archived